The title page, also known as the cover page, is a crucial component of your thesis, dissertation, or research paper, as it presents all the essential information about your work in one place. The title page includes the following elements:
- The title of your thesis or dissertation, which should be concise and descriptive.
- Your full name as the author of the work.
- The type of document you are submitting, such as a dissertation, thesis, or research paper.
- The department and institution to which you are submitting your work.
- The degree program you are completing.
- The date you are submitting your document.
In some cases, additional information may be required on the title page, such as:
- Your specific dissertation topic or field of study
- Your student identification number
- The name of your academic supervisor or advisor
- The official logo of your university or institution
Consult your institution’s guidelines or style guide to ensure your title page meets specific formatting and content requirements.
Thesis or Dissertation Title page format
The format of the title page for your dissertation or thesis may vary depending on your institution’s guidelines and the citation style you are using. This crucial first page of your dissertation title page typically includes essential information such as the title, your name, and the degree you’re pursuing. Many graduate schools have specific format requirements for the title page, including font type and size, spacing, and whether to include a page number (often a lowercase Roman numeral).
Some institutions may require additional elements like a copyright page or mention of “partial fulfillment” of degree requirements. It’s important to check with your graduate school for a title page example or template to ensure you meet all formatting criteria before proceeding to other preliminary pages like the table of contents or list of tables.
Title pages for APA and MLA style
The layout and content of your title page may vary based on the citation style you must follow for your dissertation or thesis. Each citation style has its own set of rules and guidelines that dictate the specific formatting, such as text alignment, page numbering, and the essential components that must be included on the title page.
MLA title page format
When formatting a title page in MLA style, begin by aligning the following information on the left side of the page, with each item on a separate line:
- Your full name
- If the work is a collaborative effort, include the names of your co-authors, with each name on a new line
- The name of your instructor
- The course name, followed by its designated number
- The date you are submitting the paper
After listing this information, skip a few lines and position the title of your paper in the center of the page, approximately halfway down. The title should be written in title case, capitalizing the principal words.
Ensure that all the text on the title page is double-spaced and uses the same font as the remainder of your paper. This consistency in formatting helps maintain a professional and cohesive appearance throughout your document.
APA title page format
The American Psychological Association (APA) offers guidelines for formatting title pages, depending on whether the paper is a student or professional work. When creating a title page for a student paper in APA style, include the following details centered on the page and double-spaced:
- The title of your paper
- Your full name (the author)
- The name of your department and university
- The course number and its corresponding name
- Your instructor’s name
- The deadline for submitting the assignment
In contrast, the title page for a professional paper in APA style includes an additional element called the author note, which is aligned to the left side of the page. However, unlike the student version, the professional title page does not require including the course name, instructor’s name, or the assignment’s due date.
Title page templates
To assist you in creating the title page for your thesis, dissertation, or research paper, we have developed a selection of templates you can easily customize to suit your needs. These templates are available in various formats, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your requirements.
Title page example
Here’s an example of a title page for a dissertation or thesis: